Upanishads Lessons: Taittiriya Upanishad shloka

Introduction to Upanishads Shloka:

The Shloka, “सत्यं वद धर्मं चर स्वाध्यायान्मा प्रमदः ।
आचारस्य प्रियं धनमाहृत्य प्रजातन्तुं मा व्यवच्छेत्सीः ॥”

This shloka is from the Taittiriya Upanishad, one of the major Upanishads in Hindu philosophy. It is a part of the Yajurveda and is considered to be one of the oldest Upanishads. Guru provides these teachings to its pupil while they are leaving Ashram after Ved Shiksha and starting their lives. It holds great philosophical teachings, asking individuals to walk the path of truth, righteousness, focus on self-study, respecting and embracing the teacher (guru), earning righteous wealth, and teaches human to be always eager to learn and never abstain from next phase of life.

The Truth Prevails (सत्यं वद):

The first verse emphasizes us to stay on path of truth, showcasing honesty and integrity in our actions. Truthfulness brings clarity, strengthens one’s character, and fosters trust in relationships.

Following Righteousness (धर्मं चर):

‘Dharma’ refers to righteous behaviour in life. The second verse urges living a righteous life, aligning our actions with moral principles. Embracing ‘dharma’ leads to inner peace and harmonious coexistence.

Focus on Lifelong Learning (स्वाध्यायान्मा प्रमदः):

The third verse asks individual to not be lazy and focus on self-study and continuous learning. Engaging in the pursuit of knowledge broadens the horizons of our minds and fosters personal and social growth.

Embracing and Respecting the Guru (आचारस्य प्रियं ):

The fourth verse is dedicated for presence of revering teachers and seeking their guidance in one’s life. Guru’s wisdom helps us more learn about life and provides direction and helps us make wise decisions.

Acquiring Righteous and Valuable Wealth (प्रियं धनम्):

The fifth verse urges to acquire wealth through ethical means, emphasizing the value of hard work and responsible wealth management.

Be Ready for Next Phase (प्रजातन्तुं मा व्यवच्छेत्सीः):

The final verse signifies that individuals should be ready for next phase of life. They should practice parenthood and should get relieved from debt of Parenthood.


The teachings of the Shloka inspire us to live a life rooted in truth, righteousness life, thirst for knowledge, and ethical prosperity. By embodying these values, we can live a better life and acquire higher value of life.

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